
The Ultimate List of Cheapest Food

These are the foods that are currently making an appearance on my meal plans from week to week. There’s a reason why I’ve been sticking to these foods – they’re yummy and cheap!

I’ll admit that some aren’t the healthiest options, so you can control how frequently you make those.

1. Eggs

You can have eggs with any side you wish. To stick to a cheap grocery list, I usually have mine with a dinner roll. Pop it into the panini press, and you’ve just upped your breakfast game.

You can also pair eggs with any cheap veggie, or you can simply have an egg alone.

Family preparing a meal with the cheapest groceries

2. Grilled Cheese Sandwich

I buy a small block of cheddar cheese, and slice a part of it to make sandwiches. You wouldn’t believe how heavenly a grilled cheese sandwich can be, especially with a cup of coffee or tea!

3. Fries

When I was younger, I remember my mom regularly buying a sack of potatoes to make fries. It was actually quite a treat and one of my favorite meals! Skip the frozen options, such as crinkle cut and shoestring, to save money!

I always include a bag of potatoes on my weekly cheap grocery list. And fries are one of the easiest foods to make using this. Use your air fryer for a healthier option!

4. Spaghetti Marinara

Meatless Spaghetti Marinara is one of the cheapest foods that I make, and also a family favorite in my home. Spaghetti packs are relatively inexpensive, and I often opt for the cheapest can of pasta sauce! Easy AND cheap!


How can I eat for $10 a week?

Being able to eat for $10 a week requires serious planning and discipline. With a $10 budget, you’ll need to understand that eating out is not an option. And you’ll need to cook cheap and affordable meals at home.

Even the meals that you plan to cook will need to be dirt cheap struggle meals that can stretch your dollar. These include meals like eggs, ramen and hot dogs.

You’ll also need to stick to buying the cheapest groceries, and exercise extreme frugal habits, like eating half of a hot dog per meal.

With proper planning, it is absolutely possible to east for $10 a week! It’s not easy, but it’s possible!

5. Pasta Casserole

There are so many cheap meals that can be made when pasta is the main ingredient! I’ve found that the price of pasta hasn’t skyrocketed like other ingredients have.

Use a small piece of your cheddar cheese block, throw in any other ingredient that you love, bake, and voila!

Here’s our budget-friendly Chicken Pasta Casserole Recipe for inspiration! Skip the chicken, and choose cheaper brands to save money!

6. Fried Rice

Fried rice is a cheap meal to make when you already have all of the staples in your pantry. Now, fried rice can run up a pretty high bill if you choose to add in expensive ingredients.

I usually stick to making a basic fried rice, using chopped onion and garlic (staples in my pantry) and a diced carrot. Of course, you’ll need oil and soy sauce as well.

I’ve found that the price of rice isn’t what it used to be, but it’s still possible to cook up a cheap fried rice meal!


7. Noodles


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