
The Ultimate List of Cheapest Food

Noodles is one of my favorites to add to our family’s meal plan! The method is quite similar to how I make my cheap fried rice.

The carrots are cut into thin strips, instead of being diced. And of course, noodles is used instead of the rice. So simple, and one of the cheapest foods to make!

noodles - cheapest food

8. Overnight Oats

Overnight Oats is must-add to your list of cheap foods. Not only is it easy on your wallet, but it’s super healthy, and makes for an easy morning.

All of the prep work is done the night before, so you can enjoy an easy and delicious breakfast, without breaking the bank!

9. Wraps and Flatbreads

Even though the price of flour has increased, it still remains lower when compared to other grocery items. This makes wraps and flatbreads a top contender on our list of cheapest food!

Personally, I don’t buy prepackaged wraps; I like to make my own. You’ll find that you can save so much more money by kneading your own dough for flat breads, or making your own mix for wraps!


What should I eat on a very low budget?

When you’re trying to eat on a very low budget, you’ll need to stick to cheap and affordable meals. These meals include eggs, rice and beans, potato dishes, hot dogs, peanut butter or grilled cheese sandwiches, ramen and soups!

Once you’re on a low budget, you’ll have to make a huge effort to only buy the cheapest groceries and only cook the cheapest food!

10. Hot dogs

Hot dogs may not be the healthiest food, but it’s undeniably one of the cheapest! If your goal is eating cheap, hot dog is a must!

11. Beans & Rice

There is a reason why people say they’re on a “beans and rice diet” when they’re trying to save money. It’s because it’s cheap! Beans (both canned and dried) is one of the cheapest foods to buy when you’re watching your spending!

12. Peanut Butter Sandwich

For a family who is eating cheap, a peanut butter sandwich is a must! It’s easy, delicious and affordable!


What is the cheapest food ever?

There are many “cheap food” options. However, one of the cheapest foods on our list, that is also healthy is egg. When you buy a crate of eggs, the cost of one egg is usually less than 20¢!

Eggs are also packed with nutrition, and can be cooked and eaten in several different ways. Eggs can be quite filling when eaten with bread, another extremely cheap food. Eggs can also be paired with other cheap sides, or even eaten alone.

Ramen is another contender for “cheapest food ever”. When bought in bulk, you can get many packs for a low price. However, ramen does not have a high nutritional content, and so, will come in at a close second.

13. Soups

Soups are known for being an inexpensive meal when you’re looking to cut costs. What’s even better is that you can throw in ingredients that your family loves, and they’re almost guaranteed to taste yummy!

Add soups to your cheap meal plan; they’re perfect for when you’re looking for an easy comfort meal!

14. Chili

Chili is a great option when you’re looking for cheap foods to make. Sometimes, I even add leftover chili to my hotdogs later on in the week!

15. Ramen

Ramen is as cheap as it gets! My kids love ramen, just as it is. Honestly, I have no idea why. Personally, I need to add a few extra seasonings and ingredients to enjoy it.

It’s not the healthiest option so I try to avoid adding it regularly to our weekly meals line up.

ramen - one of the cheapest foods


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All of the above meal ideas are real foods that I include on my meal plan week after week. I choose to make these meals regularly because the ingredients needed for them are cheap and affordable.

My grocery list generally looks the same every single week. I religiously stick to buying the cheapest groceries, and all of my recipes are planned around this.

Here are the grocery items you’d typically see in my cart!

27 Cheapest Groceries to Buy during Tough Times



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