These are almost always the main reason for early death in the modern world and when it happens that a heart attack strikes, it can not always feel the same in women as it does in men.
Women do not any time get the same classic heart attack symptoms as men do, as for example heavy chest pain that radiates down one arm, although these heart attack symptoms can actually happen to women, but many will experience some vague or even silent symptoms that they can very often be missed.
Here follow the six signs every woman should know in order to keep the disease as far as possible.
Pain in your arm(s), neck, back, or jaw
These may be very confusing, due tot he fact that a heart attack is primarily associated with pain in the chest or in the left arm, and almost never in the neck or jaw. Moreover, this may be progressive, nagging, acute or sudden and may also wake you up in the middle of the night and that is the reason why you’d better consult a doctor as soon as you notice any of these unusual symptoms.
Sharp stomach pain, sickness
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