A recent research found that women who increased their daily activity levels by just a few minutes at a time were able to lose weight faster than women who just went on a diet. Your goal should be to do at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day (which can help burn off about 120 extra calories daily, or equivalent to 12½ pounds a year), but take it 5 minutes at a time – it doesn’t have to be all at once.
3. Drink water
One of the most under-appreciated magic fat-burning elixirs is water. As soon as you wake up in the morning, grab a glass. Every time you eat, drink a full glass of water before and during bites. The more water you drink, the fuller you will feel, the easier it is to cut back on unnecessary calories. That’s an essential element of weight and fat loss. Remember, every chemical reaction in your body needs water and even if you’re just mildly dehydrated, that could affect your fat metabolism and your performance in the gym.
4. Bring a packed lunch to work
You’ll not only save thousands of calories over the course of a year but also hundreds of dollars. When you make and eat your own food, you not only control the quality and portion sizes but also reduce the amount of sugar, salt, and fat that you consume – which is guaranteed to be significantly higher in take-out or restaurant food.
5. Skip the fruit juice, eat the whole fruit instead
You’ll not only get more heart-healthy fiber in your diet, you’ll also stay satisfied, longer. When you chew food, you generate more saliva, which in turn carries a message to the brain that your gut needs to get ready for digestion. Drinking doesn’t require such digestion, so the body doesn’t register that it’s full as quickly.
6. Get more sleep
Make a point of turning in earlier and you’ll see weight loss within a week. Even just a few nights of sleep deprivation can lead to almost immediate weight gain. A recent study asked participants to sleep about 10 hours a night for two days, followed by five nights of sleep restriction and four nights of recovery. After the 11 days, the sleep-deprived group gained almost 3 pounds, compared with a well-rested control group.
7. Eat a big balanced breakfast
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