Nearly 40 percent of Americans have difficulty taking care of a $400 emergency [source]. Perhaps you’ve been there. Maybe you got sick but couldn’t pay the bill or afford the prescription. Did you ever have to ride your bike to work because you couldn’t afford to fix your car?
To overcome unexpected financial hurdles, you need money in savings. You need to have at least 3 months worth of expenses in the bank. But, when you struggle to find the cash to make it through to the next payday or don’t have two nickels to rub together because the car or student loan payment is higher than you’d like, just thinking about saving 3 months of expenses is enough to make you feel anxious and powerless.
Trust me, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You can improve your financial situation, if you do just one thing: Spend less than you earn.
That’s the entire mission behind this post. We want to help you save money so you can build up your savings. It’s easy. You can realistically add thousands of dollars to your savings. But, you have to act. It all starts with a decision.
15 Money Hacks to Grow Your Savings
1. Cut Costs Where You Can
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