Health & Fitness

Vicks VapoRub Is More Versatile Than You Think. Here Are 40 Clever Uses You Didn’t Know!

You can put some VapoRub on your pimples, acne, or other blemishes and leave it on overnight. When you wash it off in the morning your blemish should be gone. Try this remedy of other skin treatments aren’t working for you.

4. Cry on command

Need to bring out the waterworks? Rub a little VapoRub underneath your eye to help you shed some tears. Impress your friends with your on-command crying skills.

5. Treat psoriasis and eczema

With the summer sun shining, don’t hide your skin away. Using VapoRub on your eczema will reduce your inflammation and itchiness from the condition. Let your skin breathe!

6. Relieve ear aches

Use Vicks VapoRub to stop earaches. Rub a small amount of VapoRub on a cotton ball and put it in your ear for several hours, several times a day. It will not only reduce the pain but also prevent a potential infection.

7. Relieve headaches
If you ever have headaches or migraines often, Vicks can be a great way to help provide some relief to the pain. The menthol in Vicks VapoRub helps to cool off your temples and relieve pressure if you rub some onto it. Be sure to keep it around, but if your migraines are occurring frequently, it would be a good idea to see a doctor.

8. Fight against stretch marks


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