Health & Fitness

We Are Energetic Beings: What Are Your Energy Givers and Takers? — Sustainable Bliss | Self-Care and Intentional Living

reflecting on your energy

If we can resolve to be energy givers more of the time than we are takers (knowing we’ll never be perfect and knowing that it’s important to experience the spectrum of emotions in our lives — negative feelings and stress can be powerful indicators of where change may be needed in our life), we can start to attract more abundance and positive energy into our lives.

We can start to become aware of the things that give us energy and those that take it from us.

And we can make shifts in our lives that allow for more energy, light and love to enter our beings.

Reflect on when the last time you felt completely lit up energetically was — the last time your heart felt full, you had a big smile plastered on your face, you felt light and love.

Bring yourself back there now and embody those feelings.

What are the things that give you that kind of energy? That allow you to fill your cup? These might be really small things — feeling grateful for a cup of coffee in the morning, or a glass of cold water on a hot day, or they might be bigger, a beautiful vacation, a relationship you’re grateful for.

Give yourself a few moments to explore and journal on your energy givers. Allow yourself to embrace those feelings, noticing how they land in your body.

energy givers


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