Health & Fitness

We Are Energetic Beings: What Are Your Energy Givers and Takers? — Sustainable Bliss | Self-Care and Intentional Living

  • overthinking
  • screens + social media
  • clutter
  • dehydration
  • an inconsistent sleep pattern
  • going-going-going without rest
  • people pleasing
  • coffee/ alcohol/ inflammatory foods (of course in context these can be energy givers! That’s why this is so individual)
  • setting unrealistic goals
  • unclear + sloppy boundaries
  • negativity

It’s important to recognize that these may look different depending on the context — maybe when you’re feeling creative, clutter is actually a part of your process that drives you forward! Or maybe a glass of wine, chips, and a burger when shared with friends and family or in celebration feels really, really good.

There’s no judgement here and these lists are completely fluid, so give yourself grace!

It’s also important to understand that a lot of life is outside of our control, and so we cannot always filter our lives perfectly to block all of the perceived negativity.

Instead, we need to move with the ebb and flow of life, showing up for ourselves as we are, as best we can. Striving to maintain a connection to feelings of love, support and abundance throughout. When we can, showing up as an energy giver to support others, while also recognizing when we need to lean on others and the universe for this energy and support, and fill our own cup.

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