In the summer months, when we mostly wear light clothes, some people can’t help but notice annoying skin bumps on their arms and thighs. This common skin condition is called keratosis pilaris and is often described as “chicken skin” because its appearance reminds us of a freshly plucked bird. Although it’s pretty harmless and isn’t contagious, chicken skin can be quite annoying. And if left untreated, it may get worse over time.
We at Health decided to find out what daily actions may cause this unpleasant condition and what we can do to keep those pesky bumps under control.
1. You’re not eating enough fat.
What to do instead: Try eating more foods that are rich in fatty acids. Nutritionists recommend including wild (not farmed) fish and pasture-raised eggs in your diet.
2. You’re using harsh body scrubs.
What to do instead: Rather than using scrubs with large, irregularly-shaped particles, try gently massaging your skin with a loofah or pumice stone.
3. You’re taking hot showers.
What to do instead: Take short, warm baths and gently pat your skin dry to prevent further irritation. Showering every second day may also help alleviate the symptoms.
4. You may be eating too much dairy.
What to do instead: The good news is that you won’t have to cut dairy products from your diet altogether to battle chicken skin. Just try eliminating them for at least 6 weeks to see if the condition improves.
5. You’re using perfumed soaps.
What to do instead: Opt for gentle, hypoallergenic skincare products that won’t irritate sensitive skin.
6. You’re wearing tight clothes.
What to do instead: Consider more loose clothes made from skin-friendly fabrics, such as organic cotton.