
White vinegar for skin whitening

Here is what you need:

  • One tbsp. diluted vinegar
  • ½ tbsp. honey
  • 30 ml lukewarm water

Here is how to make and use the moisturizer

  • Add white vinegar and honey to water and mix thoroughly.
  • Wash your face with cold water.
  • Apply on your face with both palms, and leave overnight.
  • You will start noticing the result after a couple of weeks.

3. White vinegar with aloe vera

Who’s not aware of the amazing skin benefits of aloe vera? It is packed with anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties and can be amazingly effective if used with white vinegar for skin whitening. Let’s find out how to combine and use them perfectly.


  • 2 tbsp. freshly extracted aloe vera juice.
  • 2 tbsp. diluted white vinegar.


  • Add two tbsp. each of aloe vera juice and white vinegar.
  • Adjust the quantity according to the area affected by discoloration or improper tonicity.
  • Mix both ingredients continuously until you get lotion-like consistency.
  • Now, apply on the affected skin.
  • Prefer following these steps every night before going to bed.
  • The results will start following after a few weeks.

4. White vinegar with olive oil

Olive oil is surely one of the most extraordinary ingredients for a variety of skin problems. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties and can decently complement your efforts to get rid of abnormally discolored skin. And it will only favor the surprising skin benefits of white vinegar. Here is how

What you need:

  • 2 tbsp. each of diluted white vinegar and virgin olive oil

Steps to follow:

  • Mix both the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Apply on the dark skin areas and leave for a few hours.
  • Wash very gently with lukewarm water and apply a natural moisturizer, as we have discussed above.
  • You will see dark patches go away within the first few weeks.

5. White vinegar with glycerine:

If discoloration is accompanied by dryness, you can use white vinegar for skin whitening with glycerine as well. It is one of the most effective skin moisturizers out there and can perform great cleansing work and moisturizing, especially if mixed with white vinegar.

Ingredients you need:

  • 1 tbsp. diluted white vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. glycerine
  • Cotton balls

What to do:

  • Mix both white vinegar and glycerine, and mix for a few seconds.
  • Apply on the dark spots using cotton balls and leave for about an hour.
  • Wash with lukewarm water and pat dry.
  • Repeat these steps regularly for a few weeks and see the results.

6. White vinegar with strawberries

Strawberries can increase the effectiveness of vinegar to another level, especially if you aim to use white vinegar for face whitening. They are packed with vitamin C and folic acid and can favor the process of cell generation. In addition, strawberry can help in the synthesis of collagen, removing harmful toxins from the skin. The absorbing capacity of white vinegar will make it easier for a strawberry to work on your skin pores and get rid of tissue-damaging factors like blackheads.

You will need:

  • Two ripe, fresh strawberries
  • One tbsp. diluted white vinegar


  • Mash the strawberries to get a thick and smooth paste.
  • Add vinegar and blend for a couple of minutes.
  • Apply the paste on dark or saggy skin.
  • Massage in a circular motion for a few minutes and then wash off.
  • Repeat once a week for desired results.

Some Important Points to Remember

Yes, there is no doubt about the effectiveness of white vinegar for skin whitening. But we recommend you to keep these points in mind while using it for the skin.

  • Always use diluted vinegar only, as you may develop a burning sensation.
  • Don’t forget to perform a patch test before using white vinegar or any other such ingredient. If you feel irritation or burning, avoid using it.
  • Don’t use strong soaps or perfumes before or after using white vinegar to avoid possible skin irritation.
  • If you have skin problems for a long time, talk to a dermatologist for proper and specific treatment.
  • Avoid using vinegar if you are already using some medicines prescribed by a qualified doctor.
  • Whether you want to use white vinegar for skin whitening or any other purpose, get only organic for better results.
  • NEVER apply white vinegar or any other untested substance if you get your skin burn. Take immediate medical advice for proper treatment.

White vinegar can be a quick as well as affordable solution to abnormal skin darkness. And if you use it with caution, you will get the desired results. Follow these tricks keeping other important points in mind, and let us know, which one helped you more. Stay healthy, beautiful, and safe.

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