If you want to earn real cash on your receipts from almost any retailer, start using the CoinOut app (as seen on Shark Tank). All you need to do is take a photo of your receipts and CoinOut will give you randomized rewards.
Additionally, CoinOut surprises users with fun bonuses and extra cash back opportunities every week!
How does it pay? Well, CoinOut pays in the form of real hard cash (i.e. PayPal or Bank deposits) or you can cash out in the form of Amazon Gift Cards!
3. Get a Big Fat Check for Your Shopping Habits
Get up to 40% cash back when you shop at 2,500 stores using Rakuten (formerly Ebates). Each quarter, Rakuten will send your cash back rewards in the form of a “Big Fat Check”or money transferred to your PayPal account.
You don’t even have to request your cash back payment—Ebates sends payment every three months.
Sign up for an Rakuten account today and earn a $10 Bonus
Free Workshop – Join our free Simplify Money Workshop
The *only* way to save money is to spend less than you earn. That means you need to decrease your expenses or increase your income.
We want to help you do both.
Join our FREE Simplify Money Workshop to learn the fundamentals of growing wealth. Because when you can spend less than you earn, your money has no choice but to grow. You will build your savings and pay down debt.
What’s more? We’ve got a bunch of free money-hacks to share with you:
- Hacks to lower your monthly bills
- Hacks to spend less on debt
- Hacks to start investing
- Hacks to increase your income by $20/month (with no extra effort)
This workshop has everything you need to accomplish the cardinal rule of personal finance: keep your income over your expenses.
Join our free 5-day Simplify Money Workshop, and start growing your wealth today.
Habit #2: Stop Letting Trips to the Grocery Drain Your Bank Account
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