Retailers save your credit information to simplify the buying process. Disconnecting your credit card information from your favorite retail sites will give you more time to think about your purchase before you hit “submit”.
The effort it takes to find your wallet, may be just what you need to skip unnecessary purchases.
14. Unsubscribe From Your Favorite Retail Newsletters and Promotional Emails
Retailers do their best to send you deal and discount alerts to seduce you back to their site. Unsubscribing from their newsletters and promotions will help you avoid impulse buys.
15. Venture Outside for Fresh Air and Exercise
Exercising is a great activity to help you avoid staying poor. Instead of spending hours on the internet, head outdoors for some hiking.
Trying a new sport or a running club, will not only keep more money in your pocket, it can help you make new friends.
Habit #7: Avoid Late Night Drive-Thrus
You may think you’re saving money by hitting up the “cheap” drive-thrus, but, in fact, you’re actually wasting more money than if you were to eat at home.
The July 2017 Consumer Price Index reported that the cost of dining out has risen more than 2%, on average, from 2016 to 2017. On the other hand, groceries have maintained their cost and are relatively affordable. [source]
Here are some other alternatives that can help you cut food cost and prep time.
16. Meal-Prep for Fast Healthy Food
Weekly meal plan services have become a popular and affordable option for consumers. $5 Meal Plan has made meal planning as simple as possible.
For $5 a month, they will send a meal plan where every meal will cost $2 per person and sometimes even less.
If you want to save time, money, and stress on meal planning for your family try $5 Meal Plan’s two-week trial.
17. Order Your Way to Healthier Living
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