
Why Do I Have Red Hairs In My Black Hair?

Discoveries have led to what creates those gorgeous ginger tresses. You know that coloring has been mythologized throughout history, but you may not know that for a long time, scientists didn’t exactly understand why some people have red hair even though they have black hair. How? For further understanding keep reading.

How Does Hair Color Work?

On a basic level, natural hair color is determined by how much melanin pigment is in your natural hair, and what kind of pigmented hair you have.

There are two types of pigment one is melanin and another one is Eumelanin, a dark pigment that can block UV light affecting your hair, and pheomelanin, a lighter pigment that can’t trouble your hair.

People who produce lots of eumelanin pigment often have brown or black hair and their skin tans or darkens easily when exposed to the sun. In contrast, people who produce more pheomelanin are usually blonde or light-haired, with lighter skin and freckles naturally.

The Mystery Of Red Hair

So far, it is so simple. Someone inherits two variations of the gene from their parents or forefathers that control which pigment is in your hair and how much is produced. Those variations mean that the person can’t get or produce the dark pigment, and therefore they have red hair.

Why Do I Have A Red Strand Of Hair?

If you have only one red hair strand in your black hair, that hair can be because of damage due to the exposing to the sun’s excessive heat or any other reasons.

There are chances that one hair strand got mutated and it does not produce melanin much because of that which is resulting in the dominance of pheomelanin, responsible for all the red hair color.

There is nothing much to worry about with that one strand that you have in full of black hair you can just pluck that hair from the root.

If you are seeing more than one red hair, in your bunch of black hair then it is the result of a genetic mutation and it may result in more red hair coming out and it need not be plucked. However, it is natural, but you have to dye or it is kinda difficult to pluck entire your red hair if you do not like them.

Is It Ok To Have Red Hairs In Black Hair?


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