
Why Use Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth

Before we look at its amazing hair benefits, let’s find out more about rosemary herb.

I love the name rosemary, it has a very good sound to it. And the herb itself is very fragrant. It’s not floral like rose, but it has the hint of sweetness and a herby, fresh smell.

Let me tell you more about the name rosemary. It’s origin is latin, ‘ros’ meaning ‘dew’ and ‘mariuns’ meaning ‘of the sea’. The plant was named ‘dew of the sea’ as it thrives best by the sea, in sandy, salty soil.

Rosemary is a native to Mediterranean region, but now it grows widely in England, Mexico, Morocco and the USA.

rosemary plant

Rosemary is one the oldest known plant to be used as food, medicine and magic. Sprigs of rosemary were burnt in the shrines to drive away illness as well as evil spirit. Greeks wore rosemary garlands around their head while studying, as it was believed to improve memory.

In fact, this memory enhancing property of rosemary was put to test by the researchers from the University of Northumbria, Newcastle. And they discovered that rosemary aroma indeed enhanced the overall quality of memory of the participants and made them more alert. So if you are struggling remembering, try taking a sniff.

Besides, rosemary is a great taste enhancer.


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