
Why Use Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth

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Though it’s often paired with meat dishes. But since I am more inclined towards vegetarian foods, I like using rosemary with vegetable stir-fries or put it in pasta or rice. It really elevates the flavour and also benefits our health due to it’s fantastic antioxidant properties.

And the same antioxidant properties also benefits our hair.

Why is Rosemary Oil Beneficial for Hair Growth?

You get rosemary oil from the leaves and flowers of rosemary plant. It is extracted by the process of steam distillation. The fragrant rosemary oil is high in antioxidant compounds such as: ursolic acid, rosmarinic acid, cineole and camphor. And these compounds are super beneficial for our hair and can possibly help slow or reverse hair loss. So, how does it work?

Well firstly, rosemary oil helps to increases scalp circulation.

This is vital because one of the reasons for thinning hair is inadequate blood flow to the scalp. And the culprit many a times is stress. If you have a habit of stressing over every small thing or are a type A personality, it causes your scalp muscles to tighten. And that leads to reduced blood flow to the scalp, and thereby to the hair follicles.

To tackle the stress related hair loss, rosemary oil is a winner. Why? Because rosemary not just improves blood flow to the scalp. It also boost your mood and decreases the stress hormone, cortisol. And thus saves your hair from getting thinner and falling out.

But what about, the dreaded DHT related hair loss, can rosemary oil help with that too.

Maybe. The male and female pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia is baldness associated with the hormone DHT or dihydrotestosterone. It’s believed that when the DHT levels increases in the hair follicles, the hair growth cycle is shortened and hair falls out earlier then it should. Over time, hair follicles shrink and completely stop growing new hair.

Enter rosemary oil. One animal study suggests that rosemary can reduce the DHT levels in the scalp. And this is supported by a recent study done on humans – which is always a good thing as anything seems to grow hair on mice.

In 2015 a team of researchers from Tehran compared the effects of rosemary oil vs 2% minoxidil, a conventional form of treatment. They conducted the test on 100 participants with  androgenic alopecia. Fifty applied rosemary oil and another fifty applied minoxidil.

After six months, rosemary oil group saw significant increase in new hair growth….and just as much as minoxidil. But the conventional minoxidil drug comes with a long list of side effects including scalp itching, redness and whatnot. So for those of you who want to seek natural route, rosemary oil is a good choice.

What’s more, rosemary oil is also very healing.

It’s anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties keep the scalp healthy and clean. And this means the hair follicles can thrive and stimulate thick and strong hair growth.

So yes, rosemary oil has pretty impressive benefits for hair…now let’s get to using the oil.

How to Use Rosemary Oil for Hair Growth

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