
Why You Should Change Your Mattress Every 6 to 8 Years

Mattresses are one of those things that we don’t normally pay attention to or invest in. But according to a survey, we spend nearly half of our lives lying in our beds. And considering that amount of time, we need to start thinking about the importance of having a proper cushion to sleep on — especially since beds play a huge role in our well-being.

NewHealth put together a list of reasons why mattresses matter, and why investing in them is worth every penny. Watch out for the bonus tips on how to prolong your bed’s life.

Mattresses have a limited life span.

Why You Should Change Your Mattress Every 6 to 8 Years

According to experts, the typical mattress has an average life span of 8 years. But the actual figure for your cushion can be higher or lower, depending on the material and product quality.

“Latex” mattresses normally come with a 20 to 25-year warranty. Meanwhile, good-quality “memory foam” can last for 10-15 years with proper care.

“Hybrid” mattresses have lower durability and usually need to be replaced after 6 years. “Waterbeds” live for anywhere between 5 to 10 years.

A worn-out mattress can disrupt a good night’s sleep and affect your health.

Why You Should Change Your Mattress Every 6 to 8 Years

Over time, the mattress form will change and show signs of wear and tear. For example, you may have noticed that with an old cushion there’s sagging at the center or at the part where the weight is concentrated.

When mattresses start losing their supportive capabilities, they can cause discomfort and make it harder for you to catch ZZZs.

Aside from feeling fatigued and grumpy the next day, poor sleep quality could also lead to health problems, including obesity and heart disease.

Why You Should Change Your Mattress Every 6 to 8 Years


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